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■  Sonia Gaita (2000): Evaluarea incertitudinii de măsurare la punctele fixe de definiție ale SIT-90 din domeniul de temperatură (0...961,78) °C; Metrologie, vol. XLVII (serie nouă), nr.2/2000, pp. 34-41

Sonia Gaita (2001): Sensitivity analysis of combined standard uncertainties evaluated in SPRT's calibration according to the ITS-90; Proceedings of the International Congress “Metrology 2001" (ISBN 2-914324-00-6), Saint-Louis, Franța

  Sonia Gaita, Constantin Iliescu (2001): New model function for SPRT calibration at the defining fixed points of ITS-90; Proceedings of the International Conference of  Metrology (ISBN 973-99385-5-8), București

■  Sonia Gaita, Constantin Iliescu (2001): Propagation of combined standard uncertainties evaluated in SPRT calibration according to ITS-90; Proceedings of the International Conference of Metrology (ISBN 973-99385-5-8), București

 Sonia Gaita (2003): ITS-90: Realisation and methods for the evaluation of uncertainties at INM (Romania); Proceedings of the International Congress “Metrology 2003" (ISBN 2-914324-00-6), Toulon, Franța

  Sonia Gaita, F. Iacobescu, C. Iliescu, A. Dumitriu (2003): Instalație pentru realizarea punctului triplu al argonului; Proceedings of the Conference METSIM 2003, București

  Sonia Gaita, Asavinei I., Dona M. L., Neagu M. (2005): Extinderea etalonului primar de temperatură al INM. Realizarea punctului de solidificare al aluminiului (660,323 ºC); Sesiunea de comunicări științifice « Ziua metrologiei », București

■  Sonia Gaita, Constantin Iliescu (2002): Model function for the calibration of Pt1010%Rh/Pt thermocouples at the defining fixed points of ITS-90; Proceedings of the Conference METSIM 2002, București

■  Sonia Gaita (1993): Metode de evaluare a incertitudinii de etalonare a termometrelor cu rezistență din platină în intervalul (0...419,527) °C; Metrologie, vol. XL (serie nouă) nr. 4/1993, pp. 111-116

■  Sonia Gaita (2004): Comparația interlaboratoare BRML.T-C1 „Etalonarea termometrelor din sticlă cu mercur în domeniul de temperatură (35 ... 45) ºC”; Metrologie, vol. LI (serie nouă), nr. 3/2004, pp. 78-85

   Renaot E., Hermier Y., Valin M.H., Bonnier G., Adunka F., Van Der Linden A., Dobre M., Smíd M., Bronnum A., Weckstrom T., Tegeler E., Noatsch U., Anagnostou M., Turzo-Andras E., Nemeth S., White M., Marcarino P., Steur P., Pauzha A., Augevicius V., de Groot M., Nielsen J., Helgesen F., Roszkowski W., Grudniewicz E., Kuna R., Filipe E., Lobo I., S Gaita, Chimenti V., Ivarsson J., Duris S., Ranostaj J., Bojkovski J., Steiner A., Ugur S., Gray J., Bruce S., Rusby R., Head D. (2007): Final Report on EUROMET.T-K3: Regional key comparison of the realisations of the ITS-90 from 83.8058 K to 692.677 K; Metrologia 44, Tech. Suppl., 03001

 D. Heyer, U. Noatsch, E. Tegeler, M. Anagnostou, E. Turzo-Andras, I. Antonsen, V. Augevicius, J. Bojkovski, A. Bronnum, V. Chimenti, S. Duris, E. Filipe, S Gaita, J. Gray, D. Head, E. Grudniewicz, J. Ivarsson, M. Kalemci, O. Kerkhof, I. Lobo, S. Nemeth, A. Pokhodun, J. Ranostaj, E. Renaot, P. Rosenkranz, M. Smid, P. Steur, A. Steiner, M. Valin, T. Veliki and T. Weckström (2008): Final report on EUROMET.T-K4 (EUROMET Project 820): Comparison of the realizations of the ITS-90 at the freezing points of Al (660.323 °C) and Ag (961.78 °C); Metrologia 45, Tech. Suppl., 03003

■   E. Renaot, Y. Hermier, M. H. Valin, G. Bonnier, F. Adunka , A. Van  Der Linden, M. Dobre, M. Šmíd, A. Bronnum, T. Weckstrom, E. Tegeler, U. Noatsch, M. Anagnostou, E. Andras , E. Turzo-Andras, S. Nemeth, M. White, P. Marcarino, P. Steur , A. Pauzha, V. Augevicius , M. de Groot, J. Nielsen , F. Helgesen ,W. Roszkowski, E. Grudniewicz, R. Kuna, E. Filipe, I. Lobo, Sonia Gaita, V. Chimenti , J. Ivarsson, S. Duris, J. Ranostaj , J. Bojkovski, A. Steiner , S. Ugur , J. Gray ,S. Bruce, R. Rusby,D. Head (2007): Intercomparaison of the Realisations of the ITS-90 from 83,805 8 K to 692,677 K among European NMIs; International Journal of Thermophysics 29, number 3

 D. Heyer, U. Noatsch, E. Tegeler, M. Anagnostou, E. Turzo-Andras, I. Antonsen, V. Augevicius, J. Bojkovski, A. Bronnum, V. Chimenti, S. Duris, E. Filipe, Sonia Gaita, J. Gray, D. Head, E. Grudniewicz, J. Ivarsson, M. Kalemci, O. Kerkhof, I. Lobo, S. Nemeth, A. Pokhodun, J. Ranostaj, E. Renaot, P. Rosenkranz, M. Smid, P. Steur, A. Steiner, M. Valin, T. Veliki and T. Weckström (2007): Intercomparison of the Realization of the ITS-90 at the Freezing Points of Al and Ag among European NMIs; International Journal of Thermophysics 28, number 6

 F. Edler, M. Anagnostou, J. Bojkovski, Sonia Gaita, C. García, E. Grudniewicz, F. Helgesen, J. Ivarsson, A. Pauza, P. Rosenkranz, M. Smid, T. Weckström, D. Zvizdic (2008): Intercomparison of Copper Fixed-Point Cells by Using Pt/Pd Thermocouples; International Journal of Thermophysics 29, number 1

■  Sonia Gaiță, Georges Bonnier (2018): A new approach to the analysis of Type 1 non-uniqueness of the ITS-90 above 0 °C, Int. J. Metrol. Qual. Eng. 9, 3


      Reacții la Documentul Comitetului Consultativ de Termometrie CCT/08-19/rev ”Uncertainties in the Realisation of the SPRT Subranges of the ITS-90”:


      Reacții la  varianta preliminară (2016) a capitolului 5 din documentul Comitetului Consultativ de Termometrie ”Guide to the Realization of the ITS -90”:


       © 2007 Sonia (Tănase) Gaiță